Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beginning Again

Hey friends! For a while, life was so busy I had given up on the pursuit of this blog. (And so had you!) But you know that feeling when there's something just tugging at you, nagging at the back of your mind... something that won't let you leave it alone? Well, it's that something that has drawn me back here, to begin again.

In the almost 5 years since Jeff and I have been back in the country, it has certainly been busy! Just to review, we've been a part of several weddings and funerals. We helped victims of a hurricane, and then became victims of a hurricane. We moved 4 times, had several different jobs, have been through five different vehicles, visited over 30 countries with the Gospel message, and had 2 kids. Whew!

And in the midst of it all, I have continually felt God leading me not only to learn about health and wellness for the sake of myself and my family, but also to share liberally with those He has placed in my life. You.

I want to be obedient.

And so, if you will do me the honor of reading my ramblings, I will be as faithful as I know how in sharing what He is teaching me about life, about Himself, and about how to be fit and well, both physically and spiritually.

Ready to begin again?

1 comment:

3 Zepeda's said...

Hoooray!!! You're back!! I can't wait to learn from you!!! Yipppee!