Wednesday, August 03, 2005

All About Me

So, earlier today, I was driving around, getting errands done, and the usual preparations for Wednesday night church. In the Hazleton household, we have one car - a classic 1986 Camry that's been running since my parents bought it new when I was 12 years old. Now, as 20-year-old cars are want to do, this one is beginning to give out, and one symptom of that is the faulty air-conditioning.

Oh, the air works... when it's say 80 degrees outside. That's great... for someone who lives in Canada! But here in the south, we haven't seen 80 degrees since Christmas. So, as usual, the air-conditioning quit working again today, as I was driving around town. And, as usual, I began to pray - really hard - that it would start working again.

After a while, I began to whine to God... why? I just want a little refrigerated air... why? You know the drill.

In the middle of my tirade, sitting at a stop-sign, i looked up to see an ambulance parked at an apartment complex, with it's lights twirling. I was distracted for a moment, thinking of what tragedy might have occurred that required emergency medical attention.
Then, as if God spoke direct to my heart, I heard...

Someone is having a worse day than you.

Hm. Suddenly being a little hot and sweaty didn't seem so bad. Thank God He is so patient when I forget that it's not all about me!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Oh...the perverbial 2 X 4 to the head...don't you love those?

Thanks for the mini-moments...they always make me smile :)
